Years ago, working as a yard boy in a creek that ran through someone’s yard, this girl with curly hair drove through. I thought it must be nice to have money and live somewhere like this. A couple weeks later I see that same girl at a basketball game. After gathering the courage to find out about her, I found out she was a the nanny for the family who we were working for. Not long after that we ended up in the same car with friends and from that point on life was different.
Jec is more than I could have hoped for. She caught my eye because she had beautiful hair, and once I met here I realized there was so much more to her. No need to wear makeup, she’s just got it like that. She is one of the Godliest women I know and because of her love for God, I have seen how she makes a difference not just in our home, but in her profession too.
As a school teacher, she not only creatively teaches her students, she has a genuine love for them. Not one that is in the profession for a paycheck and the summers off, she loves what she does.
At home, she is our level head, our budget minded financial wizard, the mother of our son, and the one who loves me at my worst. She is my pretty girl!

Finding out on Christmas morning that we were going to have a child was amazing. We began to play, save and convert a spare room into a nursery. We drove people crazy because we didn’t find out if we were having a boy or a girl. We were pretty sure it would be one or the other, so that was good enough for us.
As the time drew closer I would find myself sleeping in the nursery floor. Praying that I could be a good father to our child. The day after my birthday… Barrett was born.
Being a father is great, but being this kids father is amazing. Fortunately he has his mother’s looks and brains. He has my rhythm and sense of humor. It’s makes for some interesting times at our house.
He has been part of this ministry from before he was born. Visiting ministry sites and sitting in Bible Studies he was all over the south hearing about God. Now he is in my youth group.
Daily I am amazed by him and stand in awe of what God is doing in his life.